Our goal as a ministry is to have water well in every 2miles.one at a time. We have four water wells in four villages and this is just the beginning.


The communities of Nakasongola seem very unfortunate. Being part of the water logged central region, one would think that they as are equally blessed with water.

On the contrary, these communities suffer water related diseases, they are faced with long dry spells that leaves them no choice but share water places with animals, the girls and women travel long distances to find relatively clean water for families. The girls miss school and the women have less time left for other productive economic activities.

What we do

Our goal as a ministry is to have water well in every 2 miles one at a time. We have four water wells in four villages and this is just the beginning.

The impact

  • Communities have access to cleaner water for drinking.
  • More girls have time for school because the water is brought closer.
  • Water borne diseases reduced within the communities.

How to support

It costs 12000 USD to drill a well Any amount will contribute to a water well project every single month.