More than 2 billion children in the world are unreached. Therefore, there is a great need for intentional focus on a long-term discipleship plan to help children understand the big picture of the bible and their part in part God’s story. Children and the young people are the church today not tomorrow. The children have great potential as active agents in God’s mission. Children are a pool of influencers much needed in the chain of making disciples. we save ½ the world when we reach the children timely.

Proverbs 22:6“
Train up a child in the way he should go…”

Would you like to work or partner with us on this program? Reach us on

+1 (303) 408 -7464

Children evangelism at Unreached Africa means:

  • 1. 2 hours session of vacation bible school (VBS) during school holidays. Fun time in the word of God.
  • 2. Age-appropriate discipleship for children to help them relate to their faith and grow as Christians.

How to support children's Evangelism?

  • 1. 2000 USD -Facilitates children’s VBS event.
  • 2. 2000 USD -One-time gift for the annual children’s gift camp.
  • 3. 500 USD -Monthly contributions for children

What is this for?
These are organized evangelism interventions for communities. Creating avenues for communities to know about and experience the love of Jesus Christ.